The ideal smile

Smiling is a form of non-verbal communication that plays a very important role in our interpersonal relationships, expresses positive emotions and builds social bonds, sometimes even stronger than words.

We would all like to have a beautiful smile and of course, straight teeth, but sometimes nature is not on our side. 

In reality, few people have perfectly straight teeth by nature, while the rest have small or large deviations from the ideal.

We believe that a genuine and sincere smile is always ideal even if it is not perfect. But for those who are not happy with their smile, orthodontics can help them to get a beautiful smile.

What the sun is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.

Joseph Addison

A day without a smile is a day wasted.

Charlie Chaplin

The orthodontic journey

Beyond the aesthetics of the teeth and face, orthodontic treatment has other benefits, more than what we see. Improved chewing, protection from injury, and better oral hygiene are some of them.
Οι ορθοδοντικές παρεμβάσεις οφείλουν να σέβονται την δομή και φυσιολογία των οδοντικών ιστών και των οστών του προσώπου (ρυθμός μετακίνησης δοντιών, ρυθμός αύξησης των γνάθων) και ταυτόχρονα να εκμεταλλεύονται αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά τους προς όφελος της θεραπείας, δηλαδή προς όφελος του ασθενή .

The orthodontist is a qualified dentist, who has acquired his specialty by studying 3-4 years in addition to the studies of Dentistry, in a postgraduate university program in Greece or abroad, and deals exclusively with the subject of orthodontics.

The list of orthodontic specialists operating in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki is provided by Thessaloniki Dental Association.

In addition to scientific training and clinical skills, the choice of the right orthodontist needs to be based on social skills. The orthodontist's ability to communicate, understand and create a pleasant working atmosphere are elements that significantly shape the patient's orthodontic "journey".

Our philosophy

Specialist orthodontist Maria Charalambidou and her associates are an experienced team, who with care and responsibility make your orthodontic "journey" a smooth and pleasant experience

Our long and multifaceted experience covers from simple preventive interventions to complex cases that require the cooperation of orthodontics with other specialties (e.g. maxillofacial surgery).

Our orthodontist is able to devise a realistic orthodontic treatment plan for each patient - child, adolescent or adult - that will meet not only their orthodontic needs, but also their personal expectations, so that the final result expresses them and highlights their uniqueness.

The aim of orthodontics is the harmonious combination of aesthetics and proper function of the teeth, jaws and the face as a whole. It is an investment for the patient - of time, effort and money. Our goal is for this investment to have the maximum return.

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